Sunday, April 30, 2006
this song goes out to all those who feel like giving up and are so damn stressed.hang in there!dunt give up!
Hero-Mariah Carey
There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
Oh oooh
Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away, hey yeah
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in
Thursday, April 27, 2006
She walked in, their eyes met, and they both stared.
And right there and then, everyone else disappeared,
But one boy, and one girl,two hearts beating wildly.
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled,
and they knew right awaythat this was the day they'd waited for all their lives.
And for a moment the whole world
revolved around one boy and one girl.
"it's so surreal."
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
"what do all your little actions say?what are you trying to tell me?"
Monday, April 24, 2006

as promised,some pictures from cheerleading!yAy!!


today was my mum's bdae.went to pariss restaurant in tm.waH.the food there is damn go0d la.a lot of variety,the setting is rather posh, and theres a chocolate fountain with marshmellows!sinful!haha...3 ppl eat for under $100 and students get discount!a must try!
and i miss cheerleading so muchh!!!miss the cheerleaders!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
solid stuff! haha..all our weeks and weeks of hard work finally paid off yesterday.beta cheerleading was a success!!!whoohoo!everything went on perfectly fine.when we watched the playback on the videocam,it was like,so synchronised la!well done people! of course,the other houses we re equally good,esp gamma!full of stunts la! and very nice outfit.our main disadvantage was the lack of guys,but anyway,it turned out good.thats all that matters.we had fun,did wad we hadta do, and did it well.yay!now that its over,its time to settle down to do some serious stydying and focus on my climbing!im gona miss this bunch of people caled the beta knights!must get together and perform sometime yar?zheya,melody,shuhui,jevon,liubo,gordon,yingxiu,chormin,pei qian,jia xian,adillia,bern,and of course shimin!thanks for all da support and help we ve given each other!shall post some pictures soon.=D
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 horoscope for today says.
Scorpio-"Sometimes when a person fits inmto your life,all the other circumstances make way to accomodate your joint needs. Expect a magical time when the borders between you and that certain someone blur."
I wonder what this means...
Rick Price-Heaven Knows
She's always on my mind
From the time I wake up 'til I close my eyes
She's everywhere I go
She's all I know
And though she's so far away
It just keeps gettin' stronger everyday
And even now she's gone
I'm still holding on
So tell me where do I start
'Cause it's breaking my heart
Don't wanna let her go
Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows
My friends keep tellin' me
That if you really love her
You've gotta set her free
And if she returns in kind
I'll know she's mine
So tell me where do I start
'Cause it's breakin' my heart
Don't wanna let her go
Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows
Why I live in despair
'Cause wide awake or dreaming
I know she's never there
And all this time I act so brave
I'm shaking inside
Why does it hurt me so
Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows
Heaven knows
Heaven knows
Monday, April 17, 2006
"I think I like you.but how am I going to tell you?how would you feel?how would you react?All these questions are running through my head."
Sunday, April 16, 2006

one humongousfongous blister's the biggest blister ive had on my finger i think.=( cant even bend it now.gona have problems wearing my shoes..
seems as though a lot of people are under tremendous stress now. Everyone around me is breaking down under pressure. Try to keep ur chin up yar people? It’s all gona be over soon.then we can all settle down properly into jc life. Seriously,life in jc is veryvery hectic. There are so many activities! Not that it’s bad, it’s just that many people are so busy and involved in these activities such that they dun have tyme to prioritize and cannot decide which one t0 forsake. Oh well.guess we all hafta accept the fact that jc life IS like that.
To melody: dunt u worry sure if u plan things and take things one by one in ur stride u’ll do just fine. Don’t feel helpless at any tyme and give up! Talk to urself and reason with yourself. Im sure u’ll be strong.
To shu hui: hey.bouldering isn’t sure uve realized by now.but then again,like u said,believe in urself,and not care bout others! Relax,pull urself up and go for the tile which seems miles away in one fluid motion! Im sure u can reach for it! Keep trying!
To zheya: the wonderful seems too hiong for its name.haha.dat doesn’t really make sense.but then,ure such a pro dancer im sure u’ll make it into one of the ten! Go for it! Remember,if you decide to do something,go for it with 100% effort and dunt back out or give up at any tyme,or else ur better off not doing it.can wan!(thks for taking time off to teach us the dance!ur such a wonderful person!)
To liubo:my fellow classmate,goodfren and fellow elevator. Haha…u never seem to have any problems in stardies wan.everything oso can matter how tough titans or cheerleading training may be, give it ur best shot!never ever ever have the thought of giving up.grit ur teeth and be determined! That’s what makes a real titan!To everyone else I know: its gona be a tough few weeks or even months down the road, but we’re all in this together so we’re gona tide over this!i know we can.cmon people.hang in there!
"Relax,take a deep breath, pull yourself up and go for that tile which seems so far away in one fluid motion."
not only does this quote work for bouldering and climbing, it works in real life toO!try it!
seems as though a lot of people are under tremendous stress now. Everyone around me is breaking down under pressure. Try to keep ur chin up yar people? It’s all gona be over soon.then we can all settle down properly into jc life. Seriously,life in jc is veryvery hectic. There are so many activities! Not that it’s bad, it’s just that many people are so busy and involved in these activities such that they dun have tyme to prioritize and cannot decide which one t0 forsake. Oh well.guess we all hafta accept the fact that jc life IS like that.
To melody: dunt u worry sure if u plan things and take things one by one in ur stride u’ll do just fine. Don’t feel helpless at any tyme and give up! Talk to urself and reason with yourself. Im sure u’ll be strong.
To shu hui: hey.bouldering isn’t sure uve realized by now.but then again,like u said,believe in urself,and not care bout others! Relax,pull urself up and go for the tile which seems miles away in one fluid motion! Im sure u can reach for it! Keep trying!
To zheya: the wonderful seems too hiong for its name.haha.dat doesn’t really make sense.but then,ure such a pro dancer im sure u’ll make it into one of the ten! Go for it! Remember,if you decide to do something,go for it with 100% effort and dunt back out or give up at any tyme,or else ur better off not doing it.can wan!(thks for taking time off to teach us the dance!ur such a wonderful person!)
To liubo:my fellow classmate,goodfren and fellow elevator. Haha…u never seem to have any problems in stardies wan.everything oso can matter how tough titans or cheerleading training may be, give it ur best shot!never ever ever have the thought of giving up.grit ur teeth and be determined! That’s what makes a real titan!To everyone else I know: its gona be a tough few weeks or even months down the road, but we’re all in this together so we’re gona tide over this!i know we can.cmon people.hang in there!
"Relax,take a deep breath, pull yourself up and go for that tile which seems so far away in one fluid motion."
not only does this quote work for bouldering and climbing, it works in real life toO!try it! 
my humongousfongous blister i got while bouldering.
Friday, April 14, 2006
morning all!it's 8 something in the morning and im gona be late for's been a busy past 2 days..rock climbing selection test was ok..philip decided to take everyone in.but then,he said there would be another selection test 2months down the road to downsize the club.AGAIN.irritating.
on the mardi was fun!rock climbing j1's set up a stall selling can drinks and ice the fengshui of our stall wasn't very good(it was located at the corner blocked by a wall), we decided to place the styrofoam boxes on a trolley and be illegal stall vendors on the was veryvery good.especially among the crowds.i think it really took a lot of teamwork and effort to make this experience a success.thks to all who helped!=)we managed to sell all 240 cans of drinks,and in the end we decided to give the ice popsicles away for free.collected a total of $300+,but after all i think profit was only $90.not bad la for a ferst timer.good job people!
for the past week,i've been going home late EVERY least 8pm.busy with titans,cheerleading,and climbing.i think i have to reduce my packed schedule and start doing some serious studying.and im looking for some serious studying partners.cus i cant study on my own and when ive got questions i cant ask anyone!hm.any takers?
did i mention that i need some serious rest?it's a public holiday and ive got cheerleading.xian.i am sososososo tired and cant seem to get enuff rest these days.oh well.perhaps i should stop complaining and go get some serious work done.maybe i should drop out of titans.
im gona be late.bye!
"are you gona take the first step?"
Monday, April 10, 2006
im starting to get really worried for the upcoming climbing selection's like...omg.if i don't get in it would be so xian's hard to find a pdp that i like and now that ive found one they hafta come and torture us with hoping and praying that on wednesday philip tells us that it was just a trick or something to get us into the hardcore mood or what.haha...but the chances of that are a 100 to 1.everyones's worried.but oh well.since we're all so noob, we can just hope and pray for the best.and Bel,if ure reading this(i dont think so though), don't worry too much yar?ure doing fine.just train up more! i believe all of us can do it! go graham,shuhui,claire,chicken,weichen,jingwen,dracus,joey,bel,and everyone sitting for the selection test!hm.did i mention that im super busy these few weeks?maybe everyone is reaching home like 6,7,8 plus that are coming up.
- climbing selection test.AHHH.
- mardi gras stall
- cheerleading prac and prac and more prac
- titans trng and trng and more trng
- sportsday
- titans
- climbing expedidtion(if im still in the club by then)
- a helluva schoolwork.
man.shall take things in my stride i at a time!but i have to mention that im actually having the time of my life doing all these stuff and busying myself. Im making a lot of friends and forming lotsa new and close bonds with ppl thru these activities,esp cheerleading and titans.feels good thinkin about it.=)i know that it's tough ppl,but just bear with it ok?it'll be over soon!
p.s. zheya,take care of those bruises and aches!esp those caused by gordon's punches!haha.
bye all.
Sunday, April 09, 2006's been quite sometime since i had a blog.decided to start one cus im feeling rather bored.oh veryvery busy in school nowadays.hardly have time for schoolwork and studies.theres cheerleading coming up,titans,rock climbing selection,expedition preparations,mardi gras stall,man.everyday is a busy template is rather gurly,but oh well.i had a bit of trouble and im rather lazy to look for other with it yea?let's celebrate the opening of my new blog with a new song.super nice lyrics.
Chicago-You Come To My Senses
I picture you on the beach
Lying in the sand
Out of reach of my trembling hands
I picture you in a car
Blonde hair in the wind
I picture you in my arms
And the touch of your skin
The smile on your face
The way that you taste
You come to my senses
Every time i close my eyes
I have no defenses
You come to my senses
I can't stop this ache inside
I have no defenses
You come to my senses
Driving home in the coldJanuary rain
I've got to find my way out of this pain
I reached for you in the night
I dreamed of your kiss
I woke before it got light
With your name on my lips
Alone in my bed
Your voice in my head
I picture you in my arms
And the touch of your skin
The smile on your face
The way that you taste
You come to my senses
Every time i close my eyes
I have no defenses
You come to my senses
I can't stop this ache inside
Oh, i have no defenses
You come to my senses