Thursday, August 31, 2006 batu caves tmr.will be back on sun night.dont miss me everyone!im so gona have a good time with the climbers la=))may we bond together like superglue after this trip!lets enjoy ourselves!yay!
Sunday, August 27, 2006

finally.met up with DEWEL.had a mini bbq,talked lots,crapped lot,caught up on certain stuffs,the feeling was great.sitting inder the stars,talking and catching up.felt like the good old days.took lotsa crappy pics too.
"just like the good ole days"
finally.completed overhang lead.i know it's nothing amazing or astonishing cus many ppl are improving by leaps and bounds lately,but oh well,finally i can move on to the next wall.
yesterday was farewell for the seniors at my place.the atmosphere was pretty good,there were lots of food,lots of ppl,and lots of fun.all the yr1's got wet.practically cus we were all pushed inside.everyone hadta get wet.those who didnt get wet were hunted down and went in too.didnt manage to get a single yr 2 wet.they were so cooperative!tried pulling shihan(cus he's the smallest size) but amazingly,the other yr2s helped to pull him back and away from us!gosh.and it was basically lao da who was doing the "anchoring" of shihan la.and.when we asked the seniors to dress casual,they came in what we classified as formal.some came in short sleeved shirts, blabla,and ALL came in much for water games.the farewell speeches were somewhat motivational,inspirational,and i think the best one was given by mr tan.never seen this "side" of him was a rather nice feeling i exchange then,it was a rather warm feeling seeing the yr2s come up one by one to receive their farewwell gifts.but then,this wont be the last of them im sure.we ll still be seeing them around in school.this is more of a "stepping down" ceremony.take care ya yr 2's?we ll miss you.for sure.and do come back often.if u graduate.jus kidding=)
in the end.the yr2s,mr tan,mr lim,philip,kelly,jay,the seniors left,then left the yr1's at my place,crapped for a while,then left le.was dead tired.all in all,it was a nice event,the first successful event organised by TJC climbing club,and definitely not the last.special thanks goes to bel,who made this event a success.=))
leaving for batu caves on friday!cant wait!
"you ll never walk alone"
Saturday, August 19, 2006
feels damn great to be back at be with the climbers,the feel the walls.a little shaky here and there,probably due to the lousy 3 weeks mc ive had,but i promise.i ll be past the conditioning state in less than 2weeks.looking forward to overhang lead,bridging lead,baby roof top.oh.and batu caves in less than 3weeks,should be staying in KL,so.means shopping!=)
kellyn,thks for finding this song for me.i havnt heard it b4,but looking at the lyrics,but it says pretty much.thks girl.
Westlife - That's Where You Find Love Lyrics
In your eyes, I found the greatest price
You and I could not be closer
And in your arms, is everything I want
Now I know my search is over
and I don't know where you take me
But it's exactly where I wanna be
it's where the stars line up
It's where the ocean starts
It's in a place I've never been that feels like home
It's in the air right now
It's when you give your all, and give a little more
I've never been so sure, that's where you find love
People pass, and listen to us laugh
wishing that they had the same thing
And our friends they ask, how we made it last
I just smile and say the same thing
I'm not sure how we got here
baby I'm just glad that we got here
it's where the stars line up
It's where the ocean starts
It's in a place I've never been that feels like home
It's in the air right now
It's when you give your all, and give a little more
I've never been so sure, that's where you find love
That's where you find love
It's where the stars line up
It's where the ocean starts
It's in the place and everything that feels like home
It's in the air right now
It's when you give your all, and give a little more
I've never been this sure, that's where you find love
Find love
That's where you find love
Sunday, August 13, 2006
another week of mc from physical long is this gona last?=(but doc says my conditions actually improving le.starting me on some long term medication.thats the only good news i guess.cant wait to get back to climbing.the thing is,its kinda unreasonable.i cant train,but my parents wont even let me watch.they're afraid i'd climb(which is so damn true la).they expect me to stay at home and REST.wth.haha..cutting me off from physical activities is as good as asking me to study 24/7.impossible.gosh.this is killing many more 1 week mc's are there.shall use this opportunity to train chinups since i cant climb.
oh and kellyn,i ll do ur that thingy when i have time k.
"the key to my heart"
Wednesday, August 09, 2006's done.can't stop smiling.
"doing something which i won't"
Friday, August 04, 2006
went for xray today.something to do with my chest la.the whole process took less then a minute.and i swear the doctor was ogling at my body when SHE asked me to take of my shirt=pWOMEN.never change do they?haha..results came out,nth,ccontinue with medication and see how my ASTHMA BRONCHITIS develops/dies dowwn.heres a pic of my lungs.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 from physical activities for one week! climbing at all!there goes my climbing fingers will be damn damn itchy la=((the stupid doctor took away a third of my life.heres what makes up my life.climbing+=)+friends=my life.ok.that was way lame.anyway.less climbing means more time spent on ____=)!!heres some pics from NISCC 06