Saturday, September 23, 2006
i feel as though im on the verge of a breakdown.
"Stop accusing me.I DONT like it."
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

THE FULL GANG.from left:lihao,weeyang,dickson,ngeeyong,me!!!

4/6 of the gang.from left:eugene,me,lihao,weeyang=)
went to send ngeeyong off to us today.take care ya buddy?we ll be missing you.even though ure so.erm.irritating.hha..joking.all the best ya?see you in nov/dec.
HEY ALL!!!im backbackbackbackbackback!!!to those who missed me,sorry.i missed you too.but i sure had a hell lot of fun!with the climbers of goes.
DAY 1: left singapore at around 5plus,cleared spore customs/msia customs without much delay,was bridging all the way with bridging partners terrence,graham,junwei.i suck at bridge totally.i swear.haha..anyway.after a while i got bored and kinda settled down for the long bus ride.stopped by this food place for dinner.then proceeded on to KL.fell asleep i thing i knew,we were already in the heart of KL.reached the hotel,the rooms were somewhat until so nice "double deluxe".in the end ah.its just 2 bunk beds cramped in a small room.right.but me,terrence and xiangwei's room wsa the biggest of the "double deluxe"' to day gona climb ma.
DAY 2:woke 6.15.went down for bfast.a lousy one indeed.little variety.ate some rice and stuffs.departed on our convoy of 8 taxis for batu caves.when we reached,gosh.mosquito party man!mosquito repellants appeared and everyone started rubbing them on.philip briefed us,thereafter weicheng and i proceeded to our designated wall."Because I got high".we had quite a lot of privacy and space as it was all the way tucked in a corner.i started climbing felt.different.a totally new experience.took me some difficulty getting up.didnt dare to fall la.though its just a short looked scary from upthere.reached the last clip le.then cannot reach the hanger.but i turned arnd and was rewarded with a damn nice view la.kinda like woah.took the end i realised that i spent 1 hour plus on that wall.sorry weicheng!=)then his turn to climb.after this wall,we moved on to the longer 30m walls.started with "bowel movement".wah.can climb la.but damndamn bloody scary.its like what.3 times the ht of our school wall?look down ah.chua tio leh.everyone so cannot look down.either make friends with the wall or keep gg up.haha..and wrong step will send you the end.made it to the top la.but with rest.reach the top,looked around.DAMN NICE AH the view.and i thought the 16tm wall had a nice view.this was twice the ht and twice the satisfaction.sense of achievement was overwhelming.moved on to "In guns we trust".hm.supposedly the easiest of the long routes.tried on lead,made it to the top!my first onsite.haha..this wall is damn cool.theres a part ah.climb le then must hide inside the "cave" and sorta like crawl up the can get quite scary cus ure afraid that if u kena stuck then panic of what.then super high up to the top in the end,play cheat a lil la.i pulled the tree at the end.haha..that was our last wall of the day.time really flies when we re at the walls la.i think 4plus 5 le?ya.then went back to hotel,bathed,changed,went out for dinner!!whoo!thenthen shoppping at the night market.damn cheap ah the stuffs.bought boardshorts and nike airforce.had damn hell lot of fun bargaining sia.its like.
owner-"49.90 rm"
me-" expensive ah.25 rm la."
owner-"cannot la.i need profit one leh."
me-"but i student money la.k la.i buy more,u count cheaper?"
owner-"k la.yi4 ren2 rang4 yi1 bu4.3 for 30rm each."
haha..damn funny experiences.jiahe and gavin pro bargainers!100 rm bargain till 30 rn.HAHA...IMBA la..
jiahe-"boss this shirt how much?"
jiahe-"8rm la boss"
boss-"8rm?ask your mother go make la"
HAHA..damn funny.then jiahe just walked la.=)
DAY 3:set off at 8am again.last day le.started on this wall called "Bangsar Babes backdrop"another 30m the end,reach a pt i was stuck at after trying for so many times.then sun rather tired and ask wc to lower me.chao tar-ed la.then came down,gossiped with the girls for awhile,crapped half hour,then went over and climbed another easier route "jalan selahar".yup.on site that too,cus its easy i guess.but i was rather panicky.duno y la.mus mantain composure that,cus we had some leftover rotten bananas ma.then we just took them and threw them into the bushes farfar javelins.okay.then.went back,got our stuffs,boarde the bus.we were supposed to go to some stopover and bath.there was a&w there la.but i was damn turned off by the service.damn slow sia.and the staff cannot smile wan.foood was okay.root beer float!long time never drink le.but they dont have wafer=((anyway.after that boarded the bus back to singapore.the guys got high and started singing together.damn nice feeling.ahha..though our voices are..erm.yup.right darren?=pin the end everyone fell thing we knew,msia customs home at aroudn 12plus.thks to kelvin's dad.
wah.3days 2nights passed like that.time flies doesnt it.but.a really memorable trip with the climbers.TJC climbing club scores again!=)check my friendster for some pics.i lazy to upload.