Tuesday, October 24, 2006
heyy!just wana say a big thank you to all those who wished me happy birthday and helped make my special day special in one way or another=)
zheya,zhangfan,graham,shuhui,eugene,dickson,zihe,shalynn,pohlian,weeting,chicken,ronald audrey,adillia,terrence,and to all those i missed out.
and kellyn,who spent this special day with me.thks.u made my day,even though it was crawling with people everywhere.irritating.isnt it?finally!our bike/blade outing.haha..and.sorry i made you so tired.gosh.shouldve seen those yawns la=pbut the day ended well,didnt it=)))
exciting eighteen.HAHA.
"May this last"
Sunday, October 22, 2006
woah.im currently hooked onto FFX. i know it's quite old la.but i just started playing it.GOSH.Yuna is damn damn pretty.and HOT.cannot tahan.though shes just computer generated la.love at first sight.HAHA.kellyn.got some fierce competition le=) 

and then in FFX-2 she became even hotter.OMG.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
im getting lazier and lazier to update le.
sheesh.andand.i am getting more and more irritated with pw.it takes up your time,your sleep,your play,your LIFE.sleeping later than normal these two days la.
btw.to all those who didnt do really well for promos,dont fret!its not the end of the world.besides,final results arent out yet,so.just keep praying and keep ur chins up okay?dont be so depressed.i know how bad it can get.just try not to think about it.
to the climbers,training's gona get tough.but when the going gets tough,the tough gets going.hang in there okay?we re all gona be really strong when the new year comes.gogogo!
andand.i just realised.how fast my year has passed.its like this has been the fastest year of my life!seems like just ytd that i was in orientation.miss those carefree days in first 3 months.if only we could turn back the hands of time.
"if i could"
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
WAH.its finally over.time to slack at last.a lot of things to do!butbut.theres this stupid time consuming thing called pw=(but.shall concentrate on playing,climbing,and everything else but study!
and i'm damn scared of my results.sheesh.
"together again"