Tuesday, February 27, 2007
so many people around me are having so many problems.
i just hope that everything will be resolved soon enough.no one will be hurt,and that my closest friends will be fine=)
"sitting there and watching the world go by."
Sunday, February 25, 2007
waha..i think today i was trying route 3 of the mock com.then twisted too much.now ive got a twisted neck.my cousin's bf who's a therapist says ive torn a muscle inside.and its gona take time to heal.zzz.this is bad..not when boulderactive is 3 weeks away!haiyo.faster heal faster heal.now i cant turn up,down,left right.cus when i turn my head,my body follows along.like a freaking robot la.yesterday was at my grandmas place celebrating my greatgrandpas 98 year old bdae.then was gg around all the bigger sized uncles asking them to apply counterpain and rub my back for me.damn shiok.rub until my left side of my back swollen and red.whoo.hope ot heals faster.
chick,cheerup okay?lets train harder.boulderactive!(stop sniggering,team 1 ppl.HAHA.jk.)
Friday, February 23, 2007
listening to other people's problems makes me think.
but it's a nice,good feeling.
"positive attitude?hm."
Sunday, February 18, 2007
"She's always on my mind.
From the time i wake up, till i close my eyes.
She's everywhere i go.
She's all i know.
Though she's so far away, it just keeps getting stronger everyday.
And even now she's gone, i'm still holding on."
oh.that emptiness inside of me.
how do i live without you.i want to know.
"it's a damn cold night"
Saturday, February 17, 2007
30th position for road run!hahahah...was kinda shocked actually.cus on the last stretch back to school there i run damn slowly.then alot of ppl overtake me.wah.actually if i ran faster ah.can get medal le.haha..
but oh well.its not the medal or what la.i think i ran nubbad le la.considering the fact that i never train or what.andand.must sprint softer next time.on the track that time i started sprinting.then gona overtake ronald.then he said he heard me.then he was like "oh shit".then he started sprinting le.haha..element of surprise gone=(haha..
improved by 169 positions!last year got 199.HAHA.this yr 30!calves aching sia.
shalynn i copy ur idea abit ah=)
Tell them you're mine
And the stars shine for you
Kiss me,and smile for me
Especially when you smile
Cus you mean the world to me
As i lie awake and watch u sleeping
Really makes me think of the times.
Exactly how much fun we've had together
I wonder how long this fun will last
Late at night when everyone was sleeping
Last thing on my mind is..
Miss you like there's no tomorrow
Interesting it may seem
Somehow i feel that..
Sensations are the greatest feeling of all
Ugly is missing from my dictionary
Greatest gift of all
I love you
Really do.
Loving tenderness.
bon voyage
"the puzzle of my heart"
Thursday, February 15, 2007
the week has been pretty stagnated for me.same ole' routine.tutorials,lectures,falling asleep,not enough sleep,training,blabla.
i have to admit that valentines day was a little pathetic.except for the fact that my bag was jam packed with sweets and chocolates by the end of the day,thks to my class girls=)and during gp.our table had a mini mountain of sweet/chocolate wrappers.
had training,tried out the new walls.i have to start improving la.somehow i cant seem to advance in my bouldering skills.have to find out whats in my way.DETERMINATION.
and.my perceptions of some people have changed.but i ll try my best not to show it.and grown closer to some people.its a nice feeling actually.really nice=)never knew that these peple could be so nice.its like.nice to be with la.aiya.that feeling la=D
aft trng.managed to squeeze in some time with the LOG.haha..oh well.sorry a girl.trng had to be moved back today.butbut.it was good=)happy vdae again=Dlotsa love.
and people are telling me to treasure what i have.
that i will.
"my valentine"
Sunday, February 04, 2007
j2 life is routine.tutorial,lecture,pdp.tutorial,lecture,pdp.it goes round and round in circles.im sick of it.
everyones getting so stressed up over schoolwork,pdps that sometimes i wonder how we re gona survive the year.trying damn hard to be happy.but with ppl around you crying,complaining,so stressed out,its hard not to be affected.in fact,it's scary.
i just cant stop thinking about it.im sick of my life.
is lapsing in and out of emo-ness a habit?cus it seems to be the case for me.sorry if ive affected you in one way or another.
its hard to please everyone too.especially yourself.whenever you make someone happy,someones unhappy.it just keeps gg round and round.what goes arnd comes arnd eh.
oh well.congrats to elmo on getting first.you go girl=))
i miss j1 life.de-stress/emo session anyone?
heres a pic i took on the bus.freaky eh. 
"guide me through this dark stretch"