sheesh.trainings are depleting like.damn fast.oh man.seemed like jus yesterday when i first joined pumpfest.its actually damn sad,come to think of really gona miss the times ive spent with this bunch of erm..people.HAHA.the trainings,the xps,the talks,the scoldings,the pts,the warmups/cooldown,competitions.all good things come to an end i guess.and we ll just have to take it in our stride.its not the lets enjoy whatever we have for now shall we?=D
Saturday-operation kbox was a freaking success!the rain only served to my benefit.haha..thks to all those who helped out!man you guys rock=Dthks to zheya for invaluable comments,shalynn,bel,jingwen for the fabric paint and the cookie idea,shuhui for the icebox,darren,jingwen,bel for accompanying me to ikea(not mentioning the looong walk),suat(my voyeur cameraman),17/06 for helping me with the photos,and to all those who i didnt mention,if uve listened,commented,still.thks.
sunday-rockmaster finals!congrats to terrence,eastina for getting 3rd!at least weicheng wont feel so lonely in intermediate le.shuhui,siying,yingxuan,good job too!it wasnt easy i know,but you girls did your best and we re all proud of you for that.esp siying.been sick recently.take care!and to everyone out there.the weather's being a bitch,so try to take care of yourselves ya?
congrats to the badminton team!now cus of you,we wont have lessons on thurs.thks!last week of school already,im prepared to go all out and have fun.esp on thurs and fri.

"I'll treasure each moment.That i know."
hm.a delayed post after climbX.
went pretty well i major screw ups,everyone was happy and satisfied when it ended.
congrats to our school climbers!OWNED the com.
thks to all those who helped make this event a HUGE success.year 1s,all competitors,mrlim,mr hsu,mrtan,philip,kelly,and kelly,thaim huat,yi jin,your gf,the officials,the exco,esp joey(GOOD JOB DUDE=D),first aiders,av people.did i miss out anyone?
wall tech team,good job!we all know it wasnt easy doing that thing you do.
registration team,at least there were'nt troublemakers like JOEL.
isolation team,hm.good job too,you kept ppl where they were supposed to be.
the feeling of organinsing a major event and seeing it through is really really does give you a sense of accomplishment,especially when its all over.its like.during the planning or excecuting phase you may think its difficult,tough,tiring,but when its all over, just feel damn good.and im beginning to get the hang of it.qte fun actually.
hm.what makes a good leader.
sports day was yesterday.nth much leh.CONGRATS TO BETA CHEERLEADING!honestlyhonestly i didnt think you guys were the best la.but ur stunts were the best i hadta admit.congrats on your win again!
basically i was just sitting in the sun watching kaisheng,melissa,and those record breakers sweep the prize table of its the end became damn black.zz..then after the whole thing eugene,dickson,zihe,weeyang came over to my place.dick's birthday.then in the end dick and eugene stayed im the first to wake(as usual) and im gona wake them up soon and chase them out cus im gg sentosa with the climbers!VBALL!when i woke at 7 it was least the rain stopped le.phew.
thats about it la.oh.and i screwed econs test yesterday.HAHA.