Wednesday, November 28, 2007
last day here!went to glendoughlough.nice place.out of the country-ish la.and the scenery is absoutely.STUNNING.i duno how to describe oso.its so nat geog/discovery/travel and living la.sheesh man.
what can i say.pretty,pretty.ive never been so in love.with nature.
hang in there.i ll be right back.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
oh it too late to wish the chiangmai ppl yi lu shun feng?haha..anyways.too tired to update heres a double whammy!
still having lotsa fun here,everything is ust so enjoyable.the weather,the people,the scenery.pity tmr's my last day.joining another day tour out of dublin again,to glendoughlough.nice scenic place,ive seen in books.,explored the city itself,went to see a museum..yawn*.castle in the middle of the city,err..blabla.looking for that damn hard to find xmas present of hers.=)
here are some photos from ytd and today,to further substantiate my point that this is such a pretty,pretty place=)
there was a HUGE xmas lightup at O'connel street last night.the whole atmosphere xmas-sy!its like.the people were gathered swaying to the xmas songs,singing along,there was a procession,with a lion dance troupe by the chinese community wth right.haha..but it was a totally whole new experience.u can tget this kinda atmosphere back home.xmas has a whole new meaning here man.u wont udstand unless ure here.seriously.
where else can u find xmas pine trees growing in the wild,where u can just find raspberries and blueberries growing by the roadside,pluck them and just eat?where acorns are scattered on the ground,together with brown maple leaves turning brown with the onset of autumn?

Sunday, November 25, 2007