Sunday, December 30, 2007
firstly,congratulations to darren on his jan enlistment.dont overreact a MAN.
been busy these few days,gona be busier the next.
remember the company EMITasia?the one which sells TIME magazine?yea.i joined it,will be selling time in school canteen for first few days in if anyone,anyone at all.doesnt have to be a student.just approach me,i can give u a superb special rate.$8 per copy,buy from me,$2.15 a copy plus free gift.2yr subscription la.
ok.i shant put all my sales training into play here.aiya.the basic pay sucks.$600/month,plus $7 per hour.but oh well.just smth to past time till i enlist i guess.working hours are 7am-10pm.sheesh right.
ok.away from that.its starting to get to me that i ll be enlisting in abt 10 days?not to mention i ll be working for abt 5-6 days,remaining days spent with's another milestone in my actually looking forward to it,but then again there're so many things i hafta leave behind.
the next 2 months will be especially crucial to me,and my future,due to the upcoming RSAF medical and OCS qualification.Hope all will be fine.
new years eve gathering/bbq with DEWEL's in its what.3rd?4th year already?hope can keep this up=)
and to all climbers.lets go support hammieboy/PRO-m king/sexy-papa/pilf hunter on the 5th Jan at this place in clarke are $20 with 2 free drinks if im not wrong.its a Saturday.i ll pass down a msg soon for chalet too.
crap.ive work tmr.on NEW YEARS EVE.and it's back to school again for me on wed.
to the guys gg in soon,cherish the moment.
P.S. anybody interested in buying a set of audio-technica headphones?brand new.i happen to have a set case you dont know,audio technica's head/ear phones have the BEST sound quality.interested just contact me la.
"hold on to the night"
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunday, December 09, 2007
heya guys!its been awhile.
kinda gets boring aft awhile mugging and all.
all the gg out is making me BROKE.
facebooking is quite fun and addictive aft all.HAHA.still exploring though.pls join my ninja army!=)
following in terrence's footsteps and leaving for brisbane (pronounced bris-burn) not anyother variation,on tuesday night for 6 days..first time in australia so im hoping the sun and the beach will live up to its standards!girls too,of course=)
but no live updates this time..u guys will just hafta wait till i come back!=)
theres dinner with climbers,mr tan,philip,kelly tmr at suntec!yay=)
heres my fav prom pic=)
one big happy family.